02 Oct We did it! We’re in NY Times Square again!
Dear Pro-life Friends,
We did it! We’re in New York City’s Times Square again—thanks to your faithful support. Our special three-month run began in mid-July 2020 and ends October 31, 2020. You made it possible!
The Times Square Billboard, also known as the ‘Broadway Spectacular’, is in the heart of Times Square Plaza. The digital mega screen is 56’ × 29’ and stands alone without neighboring screens cluttering the message. Thanks to special supporters, our Times Square ad will be seen by approximately 330,000 people a day!
This ad—like our other Billboards, Radio Ads, and Web Ads—broadcasts the Truth with tender facts of the developing baby before birth, and offers an 800# Hotline for Help to those in need. One recent caller to our Hotline shared:
“What kind of help do you offer? I’m pregnant and don’t want to have an abortion, but I need help.” Brooklyn, NY
Please pray for the success of Project Times Square and our Fall Billboard campaign – that our messages will touch hearts and save babies’ lives! I know you have already given generously, but anything you can send to help keep this project running would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you and may God bless you,
Mary Ann Kuharski
P.S. In addition to our Radio Ads, Web Ads, and Times Square run, we are launching – with Your help – our Fall Billboard campaign. It features four babies with the message: “Thanks for Life Mom!”