30 Mar Recent pro-life headlines
The Truth About Planned Parenthood’s Core Business Revealed in its Annual Report
Planned Parenthood’s 2018-2019 annual report reveals that its non-abortion services have decreased, while it received more government funding than ever before. Planned Parenthood (PP) received $616.8 million in taxpayer funding during their fiscal year. During that time, they committed 345,672 abortions (almost equivalent of the population of Honolulu, Hawaii!). This was a 3% increase from the year before, and more than half of all abortions in the United States. PP had more repeat customers, as the number of unique patients they served dropped by 20%.
Despite its claims of mostly offering family planning counseling, mammograms, and prenatal care, PP has always been about making money. In fact, PP performed fewer non-abortion services than previous years, including:
- Cancer screening and preventative services dropped by 69%
- Breast exams declined by 68% and pap tests were down 72%
- Contraceptive services decreased by almost 34%
(Source: Life Issues Institute, “Planned Parenthood Reveals It’s All About Abortion” January 7, 2020)
News on Abortion Legislation
- National: Two important bills on abortion failed to pass the Senate on February 26. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have criminalized the denial of care to infants born alive during an abortion. The Pain- Capable Unborn Child Protection Act would have banned most abortions after 20 weeks gestation (when preborn babies are capable of feeling pain).
- Kentucky: The Kentucky Senate passed legislation requiring abortionists to give the same care to a baby born alive during an abortion as it would any other child born at the same gestational age. It prohibits denying a born-alive infant of medically appropriate care and requires the abortionist to take necessary steps to save the infant’s life. At the time of printing, the bill was being considered in the Kentucky House.
- Virginia: Both the Virginia House and Senate passed bills to ease abortion restrictions and expand access in the state, and the Governor is expected to sign them. The bills would remove restrictions such as the requirement for an ultrasound and a 24-hour waiting period. The legislation would also allow nurses and physician’s assistants to perform abortions and would remove a requirement that clinics meet hospital standards. Note: Governor Ralph Northam is the same governor who suggested a “waiting period” for babies born alive, who would only be resuscitated if requested by the mother and the family. (Source: Life Advocacy Briefing, February 10, 2020)