29 Mar Project Times Square gets positive reviews from supporters!
Project Times Square – Responses from Supporters!
We were presented with a special opportunity to place an ad in Times Square this summer! Thanks to generous supporters, we were able to accept an offer for a special non-pro t rate on a digital Billboard located in the heart of Times Square Plaza. We were excited to reach the 330,000 people a day who pass through Times Square with our life-saving messages!
“Congratulations on getting in Times Square. God’s will be done” Clarissa S., So. San Francisco, CA
“I’m a frequent visitor to New York City and stay at the Marriott in Times Square. I know where this sign is and am sending additional contribution, as I most definitely want to be a part of this.” Roslyn D., North Canton, OH
“We are praying for your efforts in NY Times Square! God be with you!” Eric & Ivy H., Pooler, GA
“I like what you did in Times Square! Keep up the good work. God is pleased.” Don G., Hastings, MN
“Just a note to recognize your achievement in putting a Billboard in Times Square. Nice going! What’s next? How about one on the moon? You could do it. Keep up the good work – we’re all behind you.” Father Michael I., Waterville, MN
“Please apply my donation towards your fabulous Times Square Project. Only God could have orchestrated this!” Deb O., St. Paul, MN
“I am very happy to contribute to the Times Square Project. I realize it can be challenging to get a Billboard company to put up a pro-life ad in NYC, so it is amazing that there’s an ad in Times Square. Our family was in NYC this month, and we were thrilled to see a ‘Real Men Love Babies’ Billboard as we approached the ramp to the Queensboro Bridge (crossing from Queens to Manhattan). God bless you and all the staff and volunteers at Prolife Across America!” From a New York supporter
“The prominent display of a moving lit Billboard on Broadway! The timing is crucial. God bless the backers. What a long way from NE Minneapolis to Broadway, NYC – from an idea first nurtured (in 1989) to a productive explosion that SAVES LIVES! God bless PROLIFE Across AMERICA and all the people who supported it with prayers, labor, money, etc.” Pat B., Mpls, MN
(PROLIFE Across AMERICA was founded by Mary Ann and John Kuharski with Mike and Dorothy Fleming, initially as PROLIFE MINNESOTA in 1989.)
“We just sent a donation and emailed your letter to many of our friends and relatives. Many are in the East Coast and are appalled at the lengths that NY went in their recent legislation. Yes, there are many pro-life people on the East Coast. Thanks to the savvy people who started this beacon of light in the darkness. Blessings & prayers” Mary Beth & Pete K., St. Cloud, MN
“Thrilled about the Times Square ads! I pray more donations pour in. As the culture of death speaks louder and louder, more and more people are turning to life – quietly, peacefully pray- ing. With God on our side, how can we not help to win the battle?!!” Suzette & Ed S., Somerset, WI
My wife and I worked on 1440 Broadway where we met, mar- ried, and raised 5 kids, so we know how excited you are for Project Times Square. It was a busy, busy place 63 years ago. We can only guess how much more it is now. Congratulations! God bless your work!” Bernard & Elaine M., Greensboro, NC