Dear Pro-life Friends, Each day, thousands of innocent babies die by abortion and many women succumb to the decision without knowing the facts about the baby’s development – or that help is available. We’re trying to change that. PROLIFE Across AMERICA uses advertising to educate and spread pro-life messages, and offer...

The Truth About Planned Parenthood’s Core Business Revealed in its Annual Report Planned Parenthood’s 2018-2019 annual report reveals that its non-abortion services have decreased, while it received more government funding than ever before. Planned Parenthood (PP) received $616.8 million in taxpayer funding during their fiscal year. During that time, they committed...

Exciting news! We’ve just launched a test run of a special project – TV streaming ads! These 30-second ads will run on streaming networks, and will feature images of our Billboards with both a vocal and a printed message. What are streaming networks? You’ve probably heard that more and more people...