Dear Pro-life Friends, Each day, thousands of innocent babies die by abortion and many women succumb to the decision without knowing the facts about the baby’s development – or that help is available. We’re trying to change that. PROLIFE Across AMERICA uses advertising to educate and spread pro-life messages, and offer...

Planned Parenthood Removes Name of Racist Founder from NYC Clinic Planned Parenthood of New York has finally decided to distance itself from its founder, Margaret Sanger, by removing her name from its flagship building in Manhattan. Margaret Sanger had strong racist beliefs (she even spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally)...

The Truth About Planned Parenthood’s Core Business Revealed in its Annual Report Planned Parenthood’s 2018-2019 annual report reveals that its non-abortion services have decreased, while it received more government funding than ever before. Planned Parenthood (PP) received $616.8 million in taxpayer funding during their fiscal year. During that time, they committed...