Frequently Asked Questions

I’m pregnant, can you help?

Yes, get the pregnancy support you need by calling our hotline now at 1-800-366-7773 or contact us online. All calls are completely confidential and are answered by trained professionals who can help educate, provide facts and offer counseling. Before making a life-changing decision, contact us. 

Is my baby really a baby or just tissue?

A baby’s heart begins to beat 18 days from conception and they are able to feel pain by 10 weeks– life begins at conception. Learn more about your baby’s development.

Are you an adoption agency?

PROLIFE Across AMERICA is not an adoption agency. Our goal is to promote the concept of adoption and bring awareness to the fact that in America today, there are over 2 million couples waiting to adopt-and that includes children of all races and those with special needs. (This information is from the National Council for Adoption).

For information on an adoption agency in your area, contact:
National Adoption Hot Line at or call 1-800-923-6602.

I’ve had an abortion and need help, where can I go?

There are many good organizations offering confidential counseling and post-abortion assistance. For example:
• Project Rachel: 1-888-456-HOPE |
• 1st Way Life Center: 1-800-848-LOVE (5683) |
• Conquerors – Minneapolis/St Paul: 612-866-7643
• Marion Project (Catholic) – Minneapolis/St. Paul: 651-291-4515

Where are PROLIFE Across AMERICA Billboards?

Our Billboards have appeared in 46 states. Last year, we sponsored 8,500 Billboards in cities and towns across the country! A map of where our Billboards appeared can be viewed here.

PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s advertising includes Billboards, Radio Ads, and Web Ads – all of these are designed to reach those in need of pregnancy information and alternatives to abortion. Each year we aim to place as many ads as possible, but funding is critical. We are solely dependent upon donations received from our supporters. If our Billboards are not in your area, it is because the funds are just not there. In other words, we need your help!

Why Billboards?

As Americans we find ourselves on the road to and from work, heading out of town, running errands, etc. By placing our messages on highways and byways we are able to educate the public about life before birth. Our Billboards also provide an 800# Hotline for Help to those in need, which connects callers with:

  1. free confidential counseling,
  2. pregnancy help,
  3. adoption information, and
  4. post-abortion assistance.

Here are a few recent Hotline calls we’ve received:

  • “My husband and I are expecting our fourth child, but we’re leaning toward having an abortion. I just need to talk to someone to help me get perspective … somebody who’s not emotionally involved. We weren’t planning this.”
  • “I had an abortion nine months ago and I’m so torn up about it. I’m putting on a façade to my co-workers but I am in so much pain. They lied to me when I went for pregnancy counseling and made me feel it was nothing.”

We have received numerous other calls from those who have seen our Billboards and were affected by the tender baby photo and factual message. We aim to change hearts and save babies’ lives!

Why should I support PROLIFE Across AMERICA?

There are many good pro-life organizations that provide resources to women in need – counseling, ultrasounds, post-delivery help, post-abortive assistance, and more. Having pro-life resources for women is essential, but we need to let the public know that these resources are available. This is where we come in. PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s Billboards, Radio Ads, and Web Ads all feature our 800# Hotline for Help so that those in need can learn about the resources that are available. We connect callers with help in their local area. There are more than 3,000 pro-life pregnancy support centers that exist nationwide, but many do not know they exist.

Advertising is one of the most costly arms of the pro-life movement – but this outreach has proven to change hearts and save babies’ lives.

See what others are saying about PROLIFE Across AMERICA:

“In talking with a good friend about which charitable organizations to donate to as a thanks for all that God has given us, we decided that PROLIFE Across AMERICA is a win-win on all accounts:

  • PROLIFE Across AMERICA puts human life first and foremost – not animals, not the environment. As long as we choose to end the life of the innocent, all other causes are of little value. We must first choose and value human life. Then we can spend time and money working for other things.
  • It helps the totally innocent. They help keep the mother from making the biggest mistake she will ever make in her life and helps a mother heal from the mistake she made.
  • PROLIFE Across AMERICA helps those hurt by abortion find healing resources – whether it’s the mother, father, family or friend.

And so little money is used for administrative costs. So keep up the excellent and most important work!” (Wisconsin supporter)

How is the money I donate spent?

Here’s where your dollars go at PROLIFE Across AMERICA.

Is PROLIFE Across AMERICA a political organization?

No, PROLIFE Across AMERICA is totally educational, non-profit, non-political, 501 (c)3 organization. Your donation is tax-deductible.

What can I do to bring PROLIFE Across AMERICA billboards to my area?

The average cost of a Billboard is $500 to $3000 per month – depending upon the size of the Billboard and the number of people who will see the ad on a frequent basis (artwork and production costs not included).

Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Send your donation. Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated.
  • Tell your friends, your pastor and church group about PROLIFE Across AMERICA’S educational outreach. Invite them to join in this life-saving effort. We would be happy to provide a 4-minute DVD, which gives a short pictorial view and summary of our pro-life Media Mission. We would also be happy to send additional brochures with envelopes describing this pro-life effort which you could make available to others.
  • Invite one of our speakers to your next event. So often, our Billboards come to a region because the someone there heard a PROLIFE Across AMERICA speaker and learned about the life-saving effect of the Billboards.
  • Show our educational material to your pastor. Ask if he would be interested in making it available (on pamphlet racks etc.) to the people in your church. Share our mission with others by giving them our brochure or DVD (free of charge): click here for an order form!
  • Last and most important, please pray for the Media Mission of PROLIFE Across AMERICA.

I have some property and would like to put up a billboard. How do I go about it?

“Jack’s Mini Billboards” may be just what you’re looking for – just call our office at 612-781-0410 to put in your order. Presently there are more than 1,000 Mini Billboards on private property. The boards are durable and last for several years. We offer a simple “how to” instruction on building the frame for each Mini Billboard. They come in 4′ x 8′ or 5′ x 11′.

Also available: click here for more information

  • Mini Posters: 32″ x 48″
  • Hand held signs: 18″ x 24″
  • Banners: 4′ x 8′

What type of billboards does PROLIFE Across AMERICA sponsor?

Most Billboards sponsored by PROLIFE Across AMERICA are with commercial advertising companies. The two types of commercial boards we sponsor are:

  1. 12’ x 24’ (30 sheet) Posters – made of paper which generally lasts from one to three months. The poster paper ads generally cost $175.00*
  2. Vinyl Bulletins – sizes vary from 6′ x 12′ to 14′ x 50′ These vinyl ads are designed to last for several years. Vinyl is more costly but will last longer – and does require a lengthier contract with an ad agency.

* These costs are for the poster paper and vinyl production only
and do not include costs incurred for artwork, photography, shipping,
nor the monthly rental fee charged by the commercial advertising agency

How can I get my baby on a PROLIFE Across AMERICA billboard?

We are happy to consider your baby for possible use on our Billboards or Internet ads, however, we are under specific regulations regarding the use of baby photos.

The following requirements must be met in order for us to consider using a submitted photo:

  • The baby must be a child of donors to PROLIFE Across AMERICA. This is a small “thank you” to those who help make this life-saving outreach possible.
  • All photos must be taken professionally (snapshots are too difficult for billboard presentation). No dark backgrounds or anything too busy in color.
  • All photos must have a photo release from the photographer and the permission of both parents. Advertisers are very strict about copyright infringement and we must comply.
  • The parents of the baby must be in a heterosexual marriage. As stated in our mission statement, we base our beliefs on Biblical principles and Roman Catholic teaching, hence, we believe that God created marriage to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman, and that intimate sexual activity is to occur exclusively within that union.
  • All photos should be of infants nine months or younger – not toddlers or older children.
  • Printed copies of the photos must be submitted, and should be sent in duplicate (3×5 or 4×6). (If you have a disc or digital files of the photos, it may be needed later if the photo is chosen to be used, but printed copies must be initially submitted.)

All photos that meet these guidelines will be saved for possible use later in a billboard display, on a mini billboard, or for our brochures and mailings. There is currently a one- to two-year wait list for submitted baby photos to be used.

I’d like to host a youth fundraiser, what should I do?

In the past, youth have held many different types of fundraisers for PROLIFE Across AMERICA. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Bake sale – If a school, it works best to hold it during an open house or parent visit day. If a church, hold it after a service.
  2. Car wash
  3. Baby bottle fundraiser – Kids bring home the bottle and put spare change/dollars inside for a week. Turn it into a fun competition and have grades compete against each other or do boys vs girls. You could ask a local store to donate the bottles.
  4. Produce sale – Rural areas have sold corn on the cob, pumpkin, and squash at local churches after Sunday services.
  5. Carnival – Youth can organize games with prizes.
  6. Pancakes for Life – Youth could host a breakfast event.
  7. Bagging groceries at a local grocery store – Raise funds through tips!

These are just a few ideas. Be creative! It can also be fun to let your class/group vote on the ideas. After the event we would be happy to send fact cards for all the kids, and a video you could share as our thank you!


We are committed to bringing positive, persuasive pro-life messages, offering information and alternatives – including adoption – and post- abortion assistance to those in need. Watch the short video below to learn more about our work!

Yes! I want to help save babies